- 7 cm coil diameter.
- Designed for applications on the thigh and calf muscle.
- Field penetration: 4 to 5 cm depth.
- Also designed for applications in the occipital lobe.
- 1H coil for imaging and spectral decoupling.
- 12 cm coil diameter.
- Designed for applications on the thigh, liver and heart.
- Field penetration: 8 to 10 cm depth.
- 1H coil for imaging and spectral decoupling.
- X-Nuclei: 13C, 31P, or 23Na.
- Quadrature 1H coil pair.
- Optimised for decoupled spectroscopy.
- Designed for minimised SAR.
- 1H imaging and spectroscopy.
- Robust rigid design, no manual tuning required.
- Integrated interchangeable reference sample.
- External alignment indicator.
- Available for 3.0 T MR systems for all manufacturers:
- Philips (Achieva, Ingenia), Siemens (Trio, Verio, Skyra, Prisma, Vida) and GE (HDx, MR750, Premier).
- All of our RF coils can be provided with bespoke multinuclear phantoms. These provide:
- Tissue equivalent body loading, reference sample containers, and are designed for use in QA, coil calibration and spectral optimisation.
- Coil files are available for all the latest software releases.